Digitalization Effects in the Logistics Industry

Sertrans Blog - Digitalization Effects in the Logictics Industry

Digital transformation is one of the most important issues in the logistics industry, as in all sectors. The creation of new logistics areas such as robots and software valued with artificial intelligence, drone use in transportation, leads companies to new software. In addition, IOT applications, cloud technology and the like, which are called the internet of objects where physical objects are interconnected, mean a company design that provides management in a completely digital environment. This leads to digitalization of conventional logistics services. Applications such as block-chain, which are not affected by currency changes in the global arena, become more noticeable. And these applications force companies to think digitally, and this allows companies to meet more up-to-date automation systems in a global competitive environment. As the logistics companies adapt to technology, they can stay up-to-date in the sector and lead the transformation by providing rapid change.

What is Digitalization in Logistics?

The logistics industry is a dynamic industry that works on real-time data. Therefore, the way to optimize workflow is to start using technological facilities entirely. In particular, big data can be pulled from the field and vehicles via the Internet of Things and put into practice. Digitalization in logistics is in a way through the use of artificial intelligence. Digitalization in the logistics sector can be detailed as simplifying the intermediate parts in the transportation of the product to the final consumer, shortening the distances and ensuring complete and effective transportation. Digitalization in logistics, which is a branch of the service sector, takes place in the sector as one of the stages of customer satisfaction.

All these automation systems include the penetration of smart devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets. For this reason, logistics companies should provide their customers with the confidence of offering unlimited service by not only considering digitalization on a platform, but also by evaluating all branches and stages of the digitalization process. Logistics companies can shift human workforce to more efficient areas by minimizing storage costs with robotic applications such as self-propelled vehicles. In addition, digitalization in logistics connects the internet of things, supply chain and quality control processes to effective applications.

The Effect of Digitalization on Logistics Processes

Digitalization is among the biggest assistants of the logistics industry in the way of digitalization with its “Customer Relationship Management” application, known as CRM, online applications and applications. To give a more concrete example: As the auxiliary effects of digitalization; The information of accidents or roadworks that are not yet in sight of a heavy vehicle driver on the road can be transmitted directly to him. Cargo tracking of the product purchased with e-commerce can be done by the customer. Digitalization can be designed to optimize customer satisfaction and loyalty by communicating one-to-one with social media channels, through which customers can share their experiences not only during the service but also after the service. In this way, digitalization in the logistics sector becomes important not only in the step of one-to-one purchasing - delivery to the customer, but also in larger capacity logistics services.

Automation systems use data-oriented software to increase operational efficiency in machines, improve package labeling and ensure warehouse classification. Robotic coding is designed to do several jobs at the same time, making applications in the logistics industry more efficient and faster. Robots working in the warehouses of large shopping sites can do many tasks that cannot be done with human power with an autonomous application. Moreover, robots are capable of completing all tasks by acting independently of human commands. Likewise, wearable technologies minimize the risk of human error by supporting warehouse order picking processes. This is a service that increases customer, employer and employee satisfaction. Drone applications have many promising features for the logistics industry. Drones, which undertake an important task for the completion of logistics operations at the specified times in cities with a dense population, increase the customer satisfaction in logistics service to the maximum level.

Customer Benefit

The important issue for the end customer is whether the purchased product reaches him in a short time. Generally, every customer wants to be a priority and desires to reach their product as soon as possible. The transportation dates specified by the logistics companies can sometimes have a negative effect on both the customer and the business owner during the purchasing process. For this reason, it is very important for logistics companies to provide the most optimized service for their customers. If only the length of time in logistics affects online purchasing, this may have negative consequences for both the e-commerce company and the logistics company. Therefore, any digital process management and automation to be used will benefit the customer.

Sertrans Logistics considers customer satisfaction as the preliminary stage of its service. Uses the technological developments that it constantly follows to provide the best service with its experienced logistics team.

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